Fruitopia shampoo $1.99
used $2 Fruitopia coupon (Reinventing Beauty mag)
Viologie shampoo $1.99
used $2 Viologie coupon (Reinventing Beauty mag)
Covergirl Simply blush $10
Covergirl foundation $6.69, get $5 wyb $15 in CG products
used $1 CG coupon
used "buy foundation get CG product free" coupon (-$10)
Sensodyne toothpaste $4.99 (raincheck item), get $3
used $1 Sensodyne coupon
used $1.50 Sensodyne CRT
used $5/$25 CVS flu quiz coupon
=$4.23 OOP, received $8 ECBS
It was a great little trip tonight! I built up my ECBs without using any to start with :) Can't complain about that huh?
Oh, and did you notice that I had a raincheck? Guess someone cleared the shelves before me ;)
Do you like what you're reading? If you do please consider grabbing my button, becoming a follower, or subscribing in a reader :)
Nice trip.
I haven't been to CVS except to CLEAR THE SHELVES of Clearance Desk Lamps. The manager actually thanked me for getting those things out of the way so they could put up more Halloween junk.hehehe
See? Even the stores love bottomfeeders....;-)
LOL.....bottomfeeders :) Too funny!
Thanks for the reminder about the Fruitopia & Viologie. I need to make sure to remember to keep an eye out for the new RIB magazines tomorrow!
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